Halbro North West Leagues Providing grass roots rugby since 2002

Minutes of Committee Meeting - 3 December 2023

Minutes of The Halbro North West Leagues Committee Meeting (Lon 3rd December 2023 At The Last Drop 5.00p.m. 

Present :- Peter Rhodes (President) Fred Swarbrick (Chairman, League Sec Premier and Division One) John Powell (Fixtures Secretary and League Sec Div 5 West). Ian Cosens (Sponsorship Sec. and League Sec Divisions 2 North and 2 South) Greg King (Treasurer and League Sec. Division 5 East) Paul Riordan ( League Sec. Division 4 East) Andy Thompson (League Sec. 3 West) Craig Hine (League Sec. Division 4 West) Dr Sarah Shackleton (Leagues Medical Secretary) Mark Ashley ( Leagues Press Secretary)

Apologies :- Peter Harrison (Secretary and League Sec. Division 3 North and Division 3 Central)1.

The Minutes of previous Meeting held by Zoom were approved
Matters Arising – Non to be discussed

Leagues and Present position

JP presented a chart of weekly completion Rates for September/October and November. The Completion Rate average is 82% overall. All Leagues are 70% or above except 3 North which is at 62%,All postponed games have been rescheduled. 56 games had been conceded and 6 Teams had left the Leagues. 4 of these teams didn’t play a single game and the Club pulled out themselves.Only one team has had to leave due to 4 Concedes.There are 3 teams on their last LIFE.  Fylde 2, Fylde Vandals and Warrington 2.The number of Concedes and withdrawals is lower than last season.However, we must be wary of rearranged games and Double Headers which could cause problems later in the season. Although on the 7th October 18 of the rearranged 21 games on that day were played.

Cup competitions position

JP highlighted that all the Cup Competitions were up to date and that the next Round involving the last 8 teams in each Cup were ready to play on 27/2/2024.  Except Wythenshawe v Live Meds who are playing on the 13/1 ready for the 27/2 Round. The Jug is progressing well and all necessary games are scheduled ready for the Semi Finals on 16/3/2024


Ian Cosens confirmed that all the Leagues except Division 2 South had now a dedicated Sponsor in place carrying their title and with a direct link to their companies web site. He asked if anyone might know a likely sponsor for Division 2 South that they might contact him for details.The committee were particularly grateful for the support of the Cotton Traders Company for their valued support of both of our Cup Competitions. (The finals to be held at The Kendal Club and The Buxton Club this season.Ian reported that all the Sponsors had now paid their contributions (Thank you very much) apart from two and Fred Swarbrick was to follow these up


Greg King confirmed that after recent seasons deficits mainly due to the postponement of memberships during the Covid pandemic we were back on line with our finances. The unanimous decision at the AGM to increase our membership fees to £100 per side was indeed a reason that this recovery had occurred to some extent.Our unique Benevolent Fund was in place and all players whist playing for a side in a “League Fixture”  and possibly incurring an injury incurring expense should approach their League Secretary for information regards a possible claim. We do refer to Dr. Shackleton at times to check out any medical issues in these instances.


Mark Ashley is always looking out for stories in the Leagues, unusual ones, routine ones, informative ones etc. etc. Check out Marks details on our Web Site. He has access to 25 provincial Newspapers plus of course Touchline and the Rugby Paper. He is always approachable and desperate to receive your news.


John Powell brought up the RFU proposal to introduce Registration needs for all players next season. A discussion took place and President Peter Rhodes agreed to follow this up to obtain full details from the RFU.

Fred Swarbrick was and is involved in regular Meetings (Zoom) with the RFU involving  representatives from all areas of the country discussing ways as to how to combat the present drift of players from our sport. ( Supported by John Powell) The Meetings run by Aaron Howarth (Rochdale) and Liz Fletcher a Midlands RFU Representative. It must be said that our Leagues are at the forefront of discussions being possibly the most, number-wise ahead of the others.A detailed report from Aaron Howarth has now been circulated to all our Committee member.

The question of player registration caused a degree of discussion hence Peter Rhodes agreeing to obtain more detail on the thinking behind this and the possible repercussions on any effect with the Leagues.

The Meeting closed at 7.15p.m. and adjourned for refreshments.“

Prior to sitting down a minutes silence was observed in memory of our friend and committed Committee man Mr. Craig Ross of the Kendal Club. Craig had joined us some 5 years ago and proved to be a dedicated committee man with his detailed IT knowledge but also with a 100% commitment to making his League 5 West one of the most successful Leagues in our structure. Note Div. 5 he succeeded.Our commiserations go to Jackie his wife and his family at this sad time. Funeral arrangements can be obtained through Craig Hine from the Kendal Club.”

Fred Swarbrick in the  Absence of Leagues Secretary Mr. Peter Harrison