2024/2025 Online Entry Form published...

...and Entries are sought for Next Season.

The League Committee is pleased to announce the Entry Application Window for the 2024/2025 Halbro NW Colts League is now open.

Please follow the below link and submit your Entries soonest.

Entry Application Forms: {<<Click the Hyperlink}
...should be Signed & Scanned (as a .PDF) and sent to:

The Entry Deadline is Sunday 19th May 2024. 

Squad Registrations:
...should be submitted to: squadreg24@colts-rugby.org.uk
to be received before the Entry Deadline.

See Here: Squad Registrations

Please also see the Seeding Regulations:

NB: There are No Postal Entries.
       Payment of Entry Fees is by Online Bank Transfer.
       Bank Details are listed on your Entry Application Form.
       Payment should be made before the Entry Deadline.
       Sorry but Cheques, PayPal, or Cash are Not Accepted.

PLEASE: Send Proof of Payment along with your signed Entry Form to:

Entry Queries:
Should be directed to: league.admin@colts-rugby.org.uk

Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen 
Jon Kitchen - Chairman.
Halbro NW Colts League


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